Beautiful Mind Charity (BMC) is a philanthropic organization that pursues cultural diplomacy and aims to give and share love with the less privileged around the world through diverse cultural activities. BMC has its genesis in the U.S. (September 2006), followed by Hong Kong (November 2006), Korea (March 2007), Singapore (January 2012) and Vietnam (November 2015). BMC Singapore obtained its charity organization status in September 2012 and became an Institution of a Public Character (IPC) in February 2016. In July 2016, BMC was honored to be granted a special consultative status by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. Today, BMC operates 3 chapters: Korea, Singapore, and Vietnam, largely supported by the Korean communities living in these countries.
Since its establishment in 2006, BMC has hosted over 400 Beautiful Concerts in more than 75 different countries spread over more than 110 different regions around the world. Beautiful Concerts seek to foster a loving and harmonious culture through music, thereby bringing everyone together, regardless of their race, nationality, or disability. BMC donates proceeds from these activities to the local community and charity groups in need of financial assistance and attention, as well as to cover the activities and expenses of its students in the Beautiful Mind Music Academy (BMMA).
Prior to the establishment of Beautiful Mind Music Academy Singapore, BMC Singapore also supported various local organizations, including Lighthouse School, Riding for the Disabled Association, SPD, Rainbow Centre, and Muscular Dystrophy Association (Singapore) through its Beautiful Concerts, held annually since 2012. BMC also serves the community by holding mini-concerts at various schools, nursing homes, and hospitals. BMC Singapore will continue to host other meaningful cultural events, with the goal of making the world we live in a better and more inclusive place, regardless of physical conditions and cultural differences.
Beautiful Mind Charity (이하 BMC)는 다양한 문화활동을 통하여 전세계 소외된 이웃들에게 사랑과 나눔을 전하는 문화 외교 자선단체로서, 2006년 미국과 홍콩에 이어 2007년 한국, 2012년 싱가포르, 2015년 베트남에도 설립되었습니다. 싱가포르 BMC는 2012년 9월부터 Charity 단체로 정식 등록이 되었고 2016년 2월에는 IPC (공익단체) 의 지위를 가지게 되었습니다. BMC는 2016년 7월에 UN 경제사회이사회의 특별협의 지위를 취득함으로 문화자선활동 공로를 인정 받았습니다. 현재 BMC는 한국 커뮤니티의 지원을 중심으로 한국, 싱가포르 및 베트남 챕터를 운영하고 있습니다.
BMC는 장애, 비장애, 인종과 민족에 관계없이 모든 예술인들이 동참하여 사랑과 화합의 문화 공연을 만들어 가고 있으며 공연에서 얻어지는 수익금과 후원금은 도움과 관심을 필요로 하는 지역 사회와 뷰티플마인드 뮤직아카데미 (BMMA)를 위해 쓰여지고 있습니다. 2006년 설립 이래, BMC는 다양한 봉사활동과 더불어 현재까지 전세계 75여개국 110여개 지역에서 400회 이상의 뷰티플 콘서트를 개최하였습니다.
싱가포르 뷰티플마인드 뮤직 아카데미 설립 전, BMC는 2021년부터 열린 뷰티플 콘서트를 통해 시각장애인학교인 Lighthouse School과 무료 승마재활치료 단체인 Riding for the Disabled Association of Singapore (RDA), 싱가포르 장애인협회 SPD, 장애인학교 Rainbow Centre와 근무력증협회 Muscular Dystrophy Association Singapore (MDAS) 등의 로컬 단체들을 후원하였고 지속적으로 양로원, 특수학교, 병원 등을 찾아가 봉사연주를 통해 의미있는 문화행사를 이어가고 있습니다.
Welcome to Beautiful Mind Charity Singapore!
I am honored to take over the helm of BMC Singapore from January 1 this year. Our past President, Prof. Joe Yoon has left me with big shoes to fill and I am humbled by the incredible work that the students, parents, BMC musicians/teachers, members of the board and volunteers have done in the past. I pledge my commitment to continuing our mission of providing opportunities for individuals with special needs to experience the transformative power of classical music. Music has the ability to transcend boundaries and connect us all on a deep and emotional level. It has the power to inspire, heal and uplift our spirits. For individuals with special needs, music can be a powerful tool for self-expression, creativity and personal growth. It is our mission to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their abilities or challenges, have the opportunity to experience the joy and fulfilment that music can bring.
As we continue our work in supporting individuals with special needs, I am excited to explore new avenues for growth and expansion and am dedicated to cultivating partnerships with music educators, institutions of higher learning and other like-minded charities and organisations to create a more inclusive and harmonious world for all. Together, let's create beautiful melodies of hope and inspiration for those who need it most.
Lim Keng Huat
Beautiful Mind Charity Singapore
“Beautiful Mind and Beautiful World”

Establishment of Beautiful Mind in Singapore (UEN: T12SS0009G)
Mini-concert at TTSH Patient Care Centre
Mini-concert at Overseas Family School
Inaugural Beautiful Concert at SOTA Concert Hall
Obtained Charity Organization Status and changed the name to Beautiful Mind Charity
Mini-concert at Lighthouse School
Mini-concert at TTSH Patient Care Centre
Mini-concert at Bethany Nursing Home
First Anniversary
Mini-concert for Boys Town at Church of the Nativity of the BVM
Mini-concert at Singapore American School
Mini-concert at Orange Valley Marsling Nursing Home
The 2nd Beautiful Concert at SOTA Concert Hall
Mini-concert at Orange Valley Clementi Nursing Home
Mini-concert at Orange Valley Simei Nursing Home
Mini-concert at Society for the Physically Disabled (SPD)
Mini-concert at One Care Zone, Senior Service Centre
Second Anniversary
Mini-concert at Atrium of Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at SPD
Mini-concert at Ren Ci Nursing Home
Mini-concert at Lions Home for the Elders
The 3rd Beautiful Concert at SOTA Concert Hall
Mini-concert at Lighthouse School
Mini-concert at Muscular Dystrophy Association (Singapore)
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at Lighthouse School
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at Rainbow Centre
Participation in Purple Parade 2014
Performance at SPD 50th Anniversary Dinner
Mini-concert for Health Serve
Mini-concert at Society for the Aged Sick
Third Anniversary
Mini-concert at St.Luke’s ElderCare – Golden Years Centre
Performance at SPD Charity Show 2015
Became a Full Member of the National Council of Social Service
Passed ABRSM Grade 6 piano exam with Distinction (BMMA student: Lim Samuel)
The 1st Beautiful Mind Music Academy Concert at Korean Church in Singapore
Mini-concert at Rainbow Centre – Yishun Park School
Participation in 2015 Pyeongchang Special Music & Art Festival in Korea
(BMMA Student: Chai Chang Xun)
BMS Ensemble participated in Hand in Hand Arirang Festival in Singapore
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at St.Andrew’s Autism School
2015 BMMA Progress Concert at Korean Church in Singapore
Fourth Anniversary
Registered as Institution of a Public Character (IPC) under the Charities Act on 17/02/2016
2016 Beautiful Mind Music Academy (BMMA) Concert at SOTA Concert Hall
Passed Trinity College Grade 1 piano exam (BMMA student: Goh Jia Yun)
Granted a special consultative status by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at Rainbow Centre Yishun Park School
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at St.Andrew’s Autism School
Received Partner Award 2016 from Rainbow Centre Yishun Park School
2016 BMMA Progress Concert at Korean Church in Singapore
Fifth Anniversary
Granted 1-year extension of IPC status with effect from 17/02/2017
2017 Beautiful Mind Music Academy Concert at SOTA Concert Hall
Six students performed at St. Joseph's Institution - PRISM Heartstrings' Charity Concert
Participation in 2017 Pyeongchang Special Music & Art Festival in Korea (BMMA student: Goh Jia Yun)
Four students participated in Singapore Performing Arts Festival (SPAF)
Passed ABRSM Grade 4 piano exam with Distinction (BMMA student: Tan Zhi Lin)
Passed ABRSM Grade 5 piano exam with Distinction (BMMA student: Chai Chang Xun)
BMS Ensemble performed in The Embassy of Korea in Singapore's National Day Celebration
Passed ABRSM Grade 5 violin exam (BMMA student: Lu Tian Wei)
Performed at Istana for the Community Chest Awards 2017 (BMMA student: Chai Chang Xun)
Mini-concert at Man Fut Tong Nursing Home
Received Partner Award 2017 from Rainbow Centre Yishun Park School
2017 BMMA Progress Concert at Korean Church in Singapore
Seven Volunteers awarded 5-year Long Service Awards from NCSS
Given a 6-month internship from Jun-Dec to perform the piano twice a week at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
(BMMA student: Chai Chang Xun)
Sixth Anniversary
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at Rainbow Centre Yishun Park School
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at Singapore Bible College
Passed Trinity Grade 1 piano exam with Merit (BMMA student: Tan Wallace)
Given a one-year internship to perform the piano twice a week at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
(BMMA student: Chai Chang Xun)
Granted 1.5-year extension of IPC status with effect from 17/02/2018 to16/08/2019
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at St. Andrew's Autism School
2018 Beautiful Mind Music Academy Concert at SOTA Concert Hall
Two students performed at St. Joseph's Institution - PRISM Heartstrings' Charity Concert
Participation in 2018 Pyeongchang Special Music & Art Festival in Korea (BMMA student: Ng Tung Hei)
Passed ABRSM Grade 8 piano exam (BMMA student: Lim Samuel)
Passed ABRSM Grade 5 piano exam with Merit (BMMA student: Tan Zhi Lin)
Received 2018 Lee Kwan Yew Exemplary Student Award from the Ministry of Education
(BMMA students: Chai Chang Xun & Tan Zhi Lin)
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at Singapore Bible College
Performed at Istana for President’s Challenge Appreciation Night (BMMA student: Luo Mang)
2018 BMMA Progress Concert at The Japanese Association in Singapore
Graduation of 1st BMMA Student - Lim Samuel
Received Partnership Award from St. Andrew’s Autism School
Participation in Singapore International String Conference at NUS (BMMA student: Ng Tung Hei)
Received Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School Award for Outstanding Contribution and Performance in 2018 Band (BMMA Student: Angel Lawrence)
Participation in 'Giving Week' event organised by National Volunteer Philanthropic Centre
Seventh Anniversary
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at St. Andrew’s Autism School
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at Singapore Bible College
Given a one-year internship to perform the piano twice a week at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
(BMMA student: Chai Chang Xun)
Mini-concert at St. Andrew's Autism School
Mini-concert at St.Luke’s ElderCare – Ayer Rajah Centre
Masterclass by Mr. Jeremy Chiew for four BMMA string ensemble students
Braille Music lesson by Mr. Anderson Go from the Philippines for two BMMA students with visual impairment
2019 Beautiful Mind Music Academy Concert at SOTA Concert Hall
Two students performed at St. Joseph's Institution - PRISM Heartstrings' Charity Concert
(BMMA students: Lu Tian Wei & Lim Leslie)
Performed at Esplanade Concert Hall for Red Hat Cares Concert (BMMA student: Tan Zhi Lin)
Performed at 2019 Korea Beautiful Mind Music Academy Concert (BMMA student: Tan Zhi Lin)
Eleven students participated in Singapore Performing Arts Festival (SPAF)
(BMMA students: Angel Lawrence, Luo Mang, Lim Leslie, Tan Zhi Lin, Tan Wallace, Ong Randy, & BMMA Choir)
Performed at 2019 SPAF Gala Concert (BMMA students: Lim Leslie & BMMA Choir)
Passed ABRSM Grade 4 violin exam with Distinction (BMMA student: Chok Anya)
Performed at Istana for the Community Chest Awards 2019 (BMMA student: Chai Chang Xun)
2019 BMMA Progress Concert at Alliance Française Theatre
Performed at Esplanade Concert Hall for 'The Wind in The Willows' organised by Vocal Associates
(BMMA student: Luo Mang)
Performed at Voices from Singapore Concert in Okinawa, Japan (BMMA student: Luo Mang)
Eighth Anniversary
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at Singapore Bible College
Given a one-year internship to perform the piano twice a week at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
(BMMA student: Chai Chang Xun)
Performed at the Inclusivity 4 All on YouTube (BMMA students: Lu Tian Wei, Ng Nathan, Hariyanto Feroze, Lim Leslie)
Livestreamed Programme at the National Museum of Singapore in Singapore’s National Day Celebration
(BMMA student: Angel Lawrence)
Performed at Purple Parade Livestream Concert with the Purple Symphony
(BMMA students: Angel Lawrence, Ng Tung Hei, Luo Mang)
2020 BMMA Progress Concert at Singapore Bible College
Received Pathlight School’s Special Education Student’s (SPED) Award 2020 (BMMA student: Gan Jayden)
Ninth Anniversary
Granted 2 years’ extension of IPC status with effect from 17/02/2021
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at Singapore Bible College
2021 Beautiful Mind Music Academy Graduation Ceremony at Trehaus, Funan Mall
(Graduates: Rasaiah Eugene Selva, Chai Chang Xun, Tan Zhi Lin, Lu Tian Wei, Goh Jia Yun, Luo Mang, Quah Renaa)
BMMA x YST Collaboration Workshop “Music for Everyone” at Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
2021 Beautiful Mind Music Academy Concert at SOTA Concert Hall
Passed 2021 ABRSM Grade 5 Violin Exam with Merit (BMMA student: Chok Anya)
Passed 2021 Trinity College London Grade 7 Piano Exam with Distinction (BMMA student:Tan Zhi Lin)
Passed 2021 ABRSM Grade 5 Exam with Distinction (BMMA student: Angel Lawrence)
Eleven students participated in Singapore Performing Arts Festival (SPAF)
(BMMA students: Ng Nathan William, Gan Jayden, Ong Randy, Chok Anya, Ng Tung Hei, Angel Lawrence, Kam Calder, Lim Leslie, Luo Mang, Tan Zhi Lin, & Quah Renaa)
Performed at 2021 President’s Star Charity
(BMMA students: Tan Zhi Lin, Ng Tung Hei, Angel Lawrence, LimLeslie, Luo Mang)
Performed at 2021 President’s Challenge Appreciation Event – Theme song “Believe” (BMMA students: Tan Zhi Lin, Gan Jayden, Ponce David, Hariyanto Feroze, Ong Randy, Quah Renaa, Chok Anya, Ng Nathan)
Participation in 2021 Singapore Youth Festival Instrumental Ensemble (Strings) (BMMA student: Chok Anya)
Performed at 2021 Music Delight Academy Piano Recital (BMMA student: Ng Nathan)
2021 BMMA Progress Concert at Allliance Française Theatre
2021 Beautiful Mind Music Academy Joint Recital at Esplanade Recital Studio
(BMMA students: Angel Lawrence, Lim Leslie, Ng Tung Hei, Tan Zhi Lin)
Tenth Anniversary
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at Singapore Bible College
BMMA x YST Collaboration Workshop “Hogwarts Mystery” at Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
2022 10th Anniversary Beautiful Mind Music Academy Concert at SOTA Concert Hall
Scube x BMC KNOT Documentary Film Premiere at National Museum of Singapore
Performed at 2022 Esplanade Zeitgeist! Viola through the Times (BMMA students: Ng Nathan)
Passed 2022 Trinity College London Grade 4 Piano Exam with Merit (BMMA student: Gan Jayden)
Passed 2022 ABRSM Grade 5 Piano Performance with Merit (BMMA student: Nah Brian)
Performed at BMC Korea's Beautiful Mind Concert at Lotte Concert Hall (BMMA students: Luo Mang & Ng Tung Hei)
Five students participated in Singapore Performing Arts Festival (SPAF)
(BMMA students: Ng Nathan, Gan Jayden, Ong Randy, Kam Calder, Tan Wallace)
Passed 2022 Trinity College London Grade 8 Piano Exam with Distinction (BMMA student: Tan Hazel)
Participation in 2022 The 5th Hong Kong Pacific Piano Open Online Competition
(BMMA students: Tan Zhi Lin - Special Needs Class Advanced 3rd Prize
Calder Kam - Special Needs Class Intermediate 3rd Prize)
Performed at 2022 Purple Parade Concert (BMMA students: Tan Hazel, Quah Renaa & Tan Zhi Lin)
2022 BMMA Progress Concert at Esplanade Recital Studio
Eleventh Anniversary
Granted 2 years’ extension of IPC status with effect from 17/02/2023
Mini-concert at St.Luke's ElderCare - Kebun Baru CC
Mini-concert at Ling Kwang Home
BMMA x YST Collaboration Workshop at Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
2023 Beautiful Mind Music Academy Graduation Ceremony at Trehaus, Funan Mall
(Graduates: Angel Lawrence Gabriel Villar, Kam Calder Chuen, Hariyanto Feroze, Ponce David Nuowen, Tan Hazel )
2023 Beautiful Mind Music Academy Concert at SOTA Concert Hall
Performed at The Purple Symphony Annual Concert 2023 (BMMA Students: Tan Hazel, Luo Mang, Quah Renaa)
Recipient of Bronze Award from 2023 9th Singapore Raffles International Music Festival (SRIMF)
(BMMA Student: Gan Jayden Kai Xue)
Mini-concert at All Saints Home (Tampines)
Passed 2023 ABRSM Grade 3 Piano Performance with Merit (BMMA Student: Nathan William Ng)
Participated in the South East CDC Viola Performance (BMMA Student: Nathan William Ng)
Three students participated in Singapore Performing Arts Festival (SPAF)
(BMMA students: Gan Jayden, Ong Randy, Tan Zhi Lin)
Participated in the Singapore Performing Arts Festival and received Gold Award for Grade 8 Classical Piano (BMMA Student: Tan Zhi Lin)
Performed at the Voices of Singapore Festival (BMMA Student: Ong Randy Jing Kai)
Mini-concert at Genesis School
Recipient of The Purple Symphony Training Award 2023 (BMMA Students: Tan Hazel, Tan Zhi Lin)
Passed 2023 Trinity College London Grade 8 Piano Exam with Distinction (BMMA Student: Tan Zhi Lin)
Mini-concert at All Saints Home (Hougang)
Performed at the 2023 The Purple Parade Concert (BMMA Students: Tan Hazel, Ong Randy Jing Kai, Luo Mang)
Participation in 2023 The 6th Hong Kong Pacific Open Online Piano Competition
(BMMA Students: Tan Hazel - 1st Honour Excellence Award, Tan Zhi Lin - 3rd Prize)
Performed at the 2023 Extra.Ordinary People Concert (BMMA Student: Ong Randy Jing Kai)
2023 BMMA Progress Concert at Esplanade Recital Studio
Performed for President's Challenge SMRT (BMMA Student: Tan Zhi Lin)
Performed with Voices of Singapore at Istana for The Goh Chok Tong Enable Awards (BMMA Student: Ong Randy)
2016 Annual Report FY2016 Financial Statement
2017 Annual Report FY2017 Financial Statement
2018 Annual Report FY2018 Financial Statement
2019 Annual Report FY2019 Financial Statement
2020 Annual Report FY2020 Financial Statement
2021 Annual Report FY2021 Financial Statement
2022 Annual Report FY2022 Financial Statement
Twelfth Anniversary
Audition for Beautiful Mind Music Academy at Singapore Bible College
Mini-concert at THK Nursing Home @ Hougang
BMMA x YST Collaboration Workshop at Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
2024 Beautiful Mind Music Academy Graduation Ceremony at Korean Church in Singapore
(Graduate: Ng Tung Hei)
2024 Beautiful Mind Music Academy Concert at SOTA Concert Hall